The Good News

The Good News Jesus Christ came to the earth as a man, died the brutal death that a criminal deserves, and was raised to life after being dead for three days. He ascended into heaven and is reigning there with God the Father. One day, Christ will come back to take his...

God’s Perfect Timing

God’s Perfect Timing One of the most difficult experiences on the adoption journey is navigating a failed placement. The Jones* family had been chosen by an expectant mom named Delilah*, who was due in April. They’d met a few times and formed a relationship with...

Abortion Changes You

Abortion Changes You I recently read an article on a new study published June 2020 in the journal Health Communication. This study demonstrates how chemical abortion harms women. While the overall number of abortions in the US are declining, medication (or chemical)...


Waiting Waiting is THE WORK A few weeks ago, I heard the most amazing sermon from one of my favorite Bible teachers, Steve Bezner of Houston Northwest church. In doing a sermon series on the fruits of the spirit, he was preaching on Patience this particular morning. I...