Adoption Myths – Part 2

Adoption Myths – Part 2 Myth #2: Adopted children are unwanted. In our 3 part series, we are doing some myth-busting. Today, let’s take a look at Myth #2: Adopted children are unwanted. Again, so untrue. In fact, we believe birth mothers who make an adoption...

Adoption Myths – Part 1

Adoption Myths – Part 1 Myth #1: Adoption means giving up, or giving away. At New Life Adoptions, education is one of our key roles. Adoption is one of the most misunderstood social issues of our time. Perhaps because we are still plodding out of the shroud of...

Heart of a Mother

Heart of a Mother A Book by a New Life Adoptive Mom Kim Hawkins , one of New Life’s adoptive moms has written a book about their adoption story, and the unexpected twist that came afterwards. How often can you look back on the most difficult times of your life, only...

An Update from Sandi

An Update from Sandi From the Executive Director….. The Bible says that we do not have a spirit of fear, but of love and discipline . “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7But many times I find myself...