Our Adoption Support Group

On the first Wednesday of each month, I have the privilege of hosting our Adoption Support Group. This group is intended for both expecting parents in the decision making process for what is best for them and their baby as well as for birth parents in their post-adoption journey. One of the main benefits I’ve seen from this group is expecting parents having a chance to ask birth parents questions. This can allow the opportunity to see what life might be like on the other side, if they were to make an adoption plan. It has also been a huge benefit for birth parents who have just recently made an adoption plan—when they are still in the midst of the grieving process. We are thankful that the group is a safe space
to let it all out, without feeling any judgement. We welcome any birth parent, in any stage of the post-adoption process because we know the importance of working through the grief and emotions that come with making the decision to place a child with an adoptive family. We also love when birth parents continue to come to group after they’ve resolved their grief. These individuals are seen a source of hope and encouragement, a light at the end of the tunnel for those still struggling.
Through the years, we have noticed that having this group sets us apart, as other agencies in the area do not have a monthly support group. We gladly welcome birth parents that have made an adoption plan through other agencies or even through private adoption! I always tell our clients, “No one knows what you’re going through, except for those who have already gone through it.” This group has created community among those who may think they are alone. I’m so thankful that New Life provides a space for these individuals and couples to journey together through something so difficult yet so beautiful!
Asheton Fearing, New Life Social Worker