Programs of New Life Adoptions

Although we will celebrate 36 years of ministry on September 6th, we recently took the time to develop a complete list of our programs and the services we offer.
1) BIRTH MOTHER SUPPORT AND HOLISTIC CARE: taking a more holistic approach to the care of women in unplanned pregnancies by offering the following levels of support.
Health and Wellness:
•Provide prenatal vitamins and referrals to physicians or other support services
•Provide emotional and spiritual support to all pregnant women and their families
•Assist with Medicaid connections, medical costs, transportation to and from medical appointments
Shelter and Security – providing housing and assistance to birth families with additional referrals in locating and securing shelter, and may include housing costs, food, toiletries, and other practical resources as indicated by need
Counseling and Education – providing crisis and adoption options counseling, including 24-hour access via texting
•Assisting birth families desiring to parent by providing them with counseling and connections to community resources
•Providing pre and post placement lifetime support for birth mothers who choose to make an adoption plan
•Adoption support group for women interested in making an adoption plan and those who’ve placed a child for adoption.
•Providing individual post-abortive care and healing through Bible -based curriculum or using a retreat model
2) EDUCATION AND ADVOCACY : changing the perception of adoption through honest and informative communication
•Conduct educational/awareness programs to promote adoption awareness through Texas
•Conduct educational/awareness programs to encourage pregnant women to consider all life-affirming options
•Provide free training and certification to adoptive and foster care families, including educational materials
•Provide free training and educational materials to the volunteers and clients of our community partners including pregnancy centers and other community groups.
•Use advertising campaigns, publications, website, and social media to promote the loving option of adoption
3) FOSTER CARE/ADOPTION SERVICES : providing comprehensive pre and post placement training and support for the adoption triad
•Provide training, licensure and certification for foster and adoptive families
•Provide legal services for all parties in adoption triad
•Provide pre and post placement support for all adoptive families, including counseling and referral services
•Maintain post placement communication between birth families and adoptive families for their lifetime